Press Releases

Curious to know more about Zero Waste Europe’s media presence? Check out our latest press statements, media releases, and public reactions.
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06 Oct 2021

Consumption & Production

It’s time to acknowledge the role of Deposit Refund Systems (DRS) in achieving a Circular Economy for beverage packaging in the EU


04 Oct 2021

Climate, Energy & Air Pollution

New Zero Waste Europe report: CCS for incinerators are “an expensive distraction to a circular economy”


14 Sep 2021

Waste Trade

Now is the time to slay the EU plastic waste dragon! Plastic Waste Trade Action calling for full ban of EU plastic waste trade exports outside of its borders


15 Jul 2021

Climate, Energy & Air Pollution

Joint Press Release: Broad alliance urges EU Parliament to protect consumers from dangerous or illegal products sold via online marketplaces of Amazon, AliExpress & Co.


14 Jul 2021

Climate, Energy & Air Pollution

ZWE regrets the European Commission’s decision of not including municipal incinerators in the EU ETS revision


12 Jul 2021

Chemical recycling

Design for “Chemical Recycling” kills innovation upstream


03 May 2021

Global Strategy

Italy and the EU must take back waste dumped in Tunisia now. Environmental groups: “Further delay is unacceptable”


03 Mar 2021

Global Strategy

Italian Company Caught Illegally Dumping Plastic and other Municipal Waste in Tunisia


18 Feb 2021

Climate, Energy & Air Pollution

Press Release: Zero Waste Europe and ECOS to the European Commission: “‘Mass balance approach’ blocks ambitions for increased recycled content in plastics”


27 Jan 2021

Climate, Energy & Air Pollution

Press Release: Zero Waste Europe welcomes European Parliament’s strong actions towards a decarbonised and circular EU economy


16 Dec 2020

Consumption & Production

Press Release: Beverage carton recycling rates substantially lower than reported


10 Dec 2020

Climate, Energy & Air Pollution

Press Release: Just Transition Fund moves away from false waste management solutions but will it direct funding to circular ones?


09 Dec 2020

Climate, Energy & Air Pollution

Press Release: Regional Development & Cohesion Funds: a step in the right direction for the circular economy


09 Dec 2020

Climate, Energy & Air Pollution

Press Release: CSOs call for allocation of Recovery and Resilience Facility funds to a transition towards an economy that prevents products from becoming waste


07 Dec 2020

Consumption & Production

Press Release: Independent analysis reveals reusable packaging up to 85% more climate-friendly than single-use


03 Dec 2020

Consumption & Production

Press Release: Hazardous chemicals associated with food packaging found in the body – new research across Europe calls for a strong legislative response


01 Dec 2020

Climate, Energy & Air Pollution

Press Release: Zero Waste Circular Economy, a solid investment for Sustainable Finance


22 Oct 2020

Climate, Energy & Air Pollution

Press Release: Keep Waste-To-Energy out of the EU Taxonomy Regulation