Press Releases

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22 Jun 2023

Consumption & Production

EU single-use beverage container industry unlikely to achieve climate targets


21 Jun 2023

Enzo Favoino, Chair of Zero Waste Europe's Scientific Committee, showing off the final product of the composting process at an organic and green waste treatment plant in Trevignano, Italy.

Press Release: LIFE BIOBEST launches its mission to mainstream bio-waste practices in Europe to improve soil health


06 Jun 2023

Consumption & Production

Malte Gallée, MEP calls for “a focus on reusable options” at Zero Waste Europe’s food packaging event


25 May 2023

Cities & Communities

ZWE calls on INC-2 delegates to put cities and communities at the heart of the negotiations in Paris


11 May 2023

Chemical recycling

New ZWE study proves proportional allocation of recycled content in plastics as the best option to secure a level-playing field and environmental benefits


20 Apr 2023

resource use reduction

White Paper: 2040 vision for a sustainable future requires radical rethink on EU materials and waste policy


13 Apr 2023

Climate, Energy & Air Pollution

New report proves cost-competitiveness of Material Recovery and Biological Treatment-based approaches for mixed waste treatment


30 Mar 2023

Climate, Energy & Air Pollution

“ZWE on the RED agreement: moving towards the right direction on waste, but there is still room to manoeuvre”


20 Mar 2023

ZWE announces its partnership with the impact finance firm KOIS


02 Mar 2023

Climate, Energy & Air Pollution

ZWE and Reloop publish a guidance on how to legislate mixed waste sorting in the context of the Renewable Energy Directive


16 Feb 2023

Climate, Energy & Air Pollution

Mixed Waste Sorting is key to meeting the EU’s Circular Economy Objectives


24 Jan 2023

Climate, Energy & Air Pollution

Energy efficiencies of EU waste incinerators are appallingly low, new study finds


19 Jan 2023

Climate, Energy & Air Pollution

New ZWE biomonitoring report alerts of a high level of dioxins around 3 European incinerators


17 Jan 2023


Zero Waste Europe sets essential criteria for zero waste fashion business models in the context of the EU Textiles Strategy


19 Dec 2022

Climate, Energy & Air Pollution

ZWE welcomes the agreement on the municipal waste incinerators within the EU ETS


24 Nov 2022

Cities & Communities

Barcelona and Munich become zero waste candidate cities


10 Nov 2022

Climate, Energy & Air Pollution

New report calls for urgent action to reduce material use in key industries


20 Oct 2022

Climate, Energy & Air Pollution

Waste Incineration disproved as solution for fossil gas dependency, new study finds