Press Releases

Curious to know more about Zero Waste Europe’s media presence? Check out our latest press statements, media releases, and public reactions.
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12 Oct 2022

Waste Policy

ZWE Statement on the update of the WFD revision scope


27 Sep 2022

Chemical recycling

ZWE study finds that, to remain in line with the Paris Agreement, mechanical recycling of plastic packaging should be prioritised over pyrolysis


14 Sep 2022

Chemical recycling

Zero Waste Europe approves Parliament resolutions on RED III


13 Sep 2022

Climate, Energy & Air Pollution

Incineration Residues: the dust under the carpet


01 Sep 2022

Consumption & Production

New ZWE report exposes main barriers to single-use glass circularity ahead of P&PWD revision


20 Jul 2022

Cities & Communities

Capannori becomes the first Zero Waste Certified City in Italy and the third in Europe


13 Jul 2022

Climate, Energy & Air Pollution

Waste incineration and ‘recycled carbon fuel’, putting spokes in the renewable energy wheel


22 Jun 2022

Climate, Energy & Air Pollution

The EP approves the inclusion of municipal incinerators in ETS as of 2026


17 May 2022

Climate, Energy & Air Pollution

Zero Waste Europe endorses ENVI Commitee decisions on RED III and ETS


03 May 2022

Visual for press release on closed loops recycling
Consumption & Production

Efficient waste collection schemes, closed-loop recycling and access to recycled content are crucial to accelerating the transition to a circular economy in Europe


17 Mar 2022

Cities & Communities

Svilengrad on its way to becoming the first Bulgarian Zero Waste Certified City


09 Mar 2022

Consumption & Production

EU gets tough on fast fashion – new laws 30 March charge brands to boost sustainable clothing (report)


16 Feb 2022

Consumption & Production

New report: PET, the most circular of all plastics, is far from real circularity


27 Jan 2022

Climate, Energy & Air Pollution

New ZWE-led incinerator research finds environment contaminated with highly toxic substances, risking the health of nearby communities


23 Nov 2021

Cities & Communities

Brussels region on the path to circularity as it begins its journey towards becoming a Zero Waste City


17 Nov 2021

Waste Policy

European Commission acknowledges the EU’s plastic waste trade crisis with proposal, but falls short of bringing appropriate response


12 Oct 2021

Climate, Energy & Air Pollution

The EU policy favouring waste incineration is unwarranted


07 Oct 2021

Climate, Energy & Air Pollution

New study shows that including incineration under the EU ETS is a path to generate climate benefits and employment