No Time To Waste: Plastic Production and Fossil Gas

Plastic pollution is so commonplace you would be forgiven for thinking plastic grows on trees, but it is not in fact found naturally in our environment. Instead, like many other materials we use regularly, plastics are created in large industrial processes that require lots of energy. 

Plastics are produced almost entirely from chemicals sourced from fossil fuels. Of the various kinds of plastics created, 65% of them (polyethylene, polyvinyl chloride (PVC), polyethylene terephthalate (PET), and polystyrene) rely on ethane as a feedstock. The petrochemicals industry are therefore significant contributors to fossil fuel emissions, further locking humanity into a reliance on dirty energy

Petrochemicals Meet Fracking 

With the world waking up to the severe consequences of burning too many fossil fuels, some unconventional forms of energy creation are taking root in their place. Arguably the most successful at this has been the switch to fossil gas – where the industry has been rebranding itself as “natural gas”, “clean gas”, and most outrageously the “freedom molecule”. 

One of the processes used to extract fossil fuels is called fracking: a large hole is drilled into the Earth’s surface at a point expected to be above a natural pocket of gas in the rock, and then water mixed with chemicals is blasted into the hole to force the gas to rise up out of that pocket. Fracking is hugely water intensive, has been known to initiate earthquakes, pollute water sources, create significant negative impacts for local communities, and importantly, it leaks – among many other gases –  methane

The focus of the climate crisis has largely centered around carbon dioxide emissions – and quite rightly as their impact on our planet is not insignificant. However, as explained in blog two of this series, methane is 86 times more potent than carbon dioxide and therefore is a dangerous greenhouse gas that does not act as a “greener” alternative to conventional fossil fuels which emit majority carbon dioxide. 

With cheap fracked gas on the rise, the United States have found a way to transport it cost-effectively to Europe in what is known as LNG – liquified natural gas. This is transported in ships as it is easy to store, and then converted back into a usable energy source in ethane cracker plants. And, you guessed it, this fracked gas is now being used as a cheap source of energy for the petrochemicals industry to create new virgin plastics. 

No Time To Waste

Unfortunately, whichever way you look at it, the increasing export of LNG to Europe for use in the expansion of the petrochemicals industry does not align with the EU’s climate and circular economy goals. It also conflicts with many European countries’ national laws which include a moratorium on fracking.

With an EU target of becoming carbon neutral by 2050, there is no room for increased plastics production that exacerbates climate change through methane emissions. Similarly, the new Circular Economy Action Plan outlines plastics as a key area to focus on for achieving circularity – something that cannot be achieved if the creation of new throwaway plastics continues to soar. Maintaining current levels of plastic production is already unsustainable.

Together, climate and the circular economy form critical parts of the European Green Deal – and if we want to achieve a greener, more sustainable Europe we cannot allow a petrochemicals expansion that exacerbates climate change and feeds the plastic pollution crisis. Find out more about the demand for plastics and our consumption habits in the next blog on climate.   

Up Next → Consumption and the Cost for the Climate

No Time To Waste: Plastic Pollution and the Climate Crisis

Single-use plastics are everywhere, invading supermarkets shelves but also the most remote places of our Earth. Half of all plastic produced is designed to be used only once, with packaging currently being the largest market for these single-use plastics. These throwaway plastics are wasting resources, polluting our environment and contributing to the climate crisis. 

Plastic Pollution 

These plastics are problematic not only because they constitute a considerable waste stream that ends up being landfilled or incinerated, but because they often end up in the natural environment. Single-use plastics are amongst the most commonly found items on our Earth’s beaches and oceans. In fact, 80% of all European beach litter is plastic and 8,000,000 tonnes of plastic end up in the world’s oceans every single year! Not only does this plastic waste have devastating impacts on wildlife through accidental ingestion or entanglement, but the chemicals in this plastic are prone to leakage. These chemicals contaminate all areas of the environment (air, water, and soil), accumulate in food chains, and release toxic additives or concentrate additional toxic chemicals in the environment, making them available for direct or indirect human exposure.

Those are just the plastics we can see! Tiny plastic parts, known as microplastics, are also finding their way into our water systems with over 236,000 ingestible microplastics discarded in the ocean annually. While 167,000 tonnes of plastic pellets enter the environment every year, making these plastic building blocks another huge source of ocean and beach pollution – particularly near industrial plastic sites

Plastic pollution has an undoubtedly large impact on our natural environment, but it’s contributing to exacerbated climate change too

Plastic Pollution & Climate 

Our oceans are the largest natural carbon sink our planet has – they literally suck greenhouse gases out the atmosphere! Yet, plastics polluting the ocean are choking our seas and reducing their ability to act as carbon sinks. Instead, sunlight is heating up the plastic and causing powerful greenhouse gases to be released into the oceans and atmosphere – reversing the healing power of the ocean! 

Smaller plastics (whether they are coming from the degradation of larger plastics or microplastics directly added to products) are up to no good either – microplastics unwillingly ingested by plankton could have a huge impact on our Earth’s health. These tiny micro-organisms are responsible for sequestering carbon deep into the ocean and have been doing just that for thousands of years – if microplastics threaten these populations this will exacerbate runaway climate change even further.  

Plastic has impacted all along the value chain – from production to consumption, to pollution in the environment. More on this in blog number 4… 

No Time To Waste

Plastic pollution is clearly creating significant environmental damage to our Earth – not only visibly, but invisibly too. We need to turn off the tap by reducing the production of virgin plastics, redesigning products, and incentivising reuse systems like deposit return schemes. 

Until we rethink our relationship with plastic we will never break free from it – but the solutions to plastic pollution exist. Tackling climate change means taking on plastics, and not just how they are disposed of, but how they are produced too. Find out more about plastic production and climate change in our next blog. 

Discover more about our work on plastics on the Rethink Plastic alliance and Break Free From Plastic webpages.

Read more about the impact of plastic on our climate: here

Up Next → Plastic Production and Fossil Gas