
08 Jun 2022

Written by

ZWE Staff

Zero Waste Europe Changemakers: Voice

Voice Ireland - Zero Waste CashelZWE Changemakers

Each month, our ZWE Changemakers campaign sheds a spotlight on one of our member organisations.

This month, we present Voice, our member in Ireland, which has been active in the environmental sphere for the past 25 years. VOICE continuously advocates for the government and the private sector to adopt environmentally-responsible behaviour, and for the development of ambitious policies related to waste and water. The organisation has led nationwide campaigns on single-use plastics and Deposit Return Systems (DRS) among others.

Learn about some of their major highlights from the past year in the video below:

The achievements of VOICE are many, but here is just a glimpse of their achievements:

Keep updated with the organisation’s newest projects by subscribing to their newsletter here.

Visit to learn more.