RSVP – Blueprint for harmonising the implementation of takeaway food and drinks packaging systems for reuse in Europe

This draft blueprint results from the enhanced collaborative work that has taken place under the umbrella of the  pan-European ReuSe Vanguard Project (RSVP), which includes the main learnings from the co-designing phase of city scale-up projects with local reuse ecosystems in five countries. This is, thus, a work in progress.

This blueprint aims to support and harmonise the creation of a well-performing and resilient reuse infrastructure development model in urban areas across Europe; and its scaling up in the next few years, starting with the key sector of reusable take-away food and drinks packaging. This sector has experienced an unprecedented rate of dynamism and innovation over the last few years and can be instrumental in setting up urban infrastructure which could later be used by other product and packaging categories.

Available in English.