Oekozenter Pafendall is a non-profit organisation in Luxembourg dedicated to advocating for sustainable lifestyles and a circular economy.

Since 2019, Oekozenter’s environmental advisory service has run projects promoting ecolabels for tourist accommodations and green events at local level as well as in business, culture and academia, with waste prevention being one of the main objectives. They provide advice and trainings to individuals, municipalities, ministries, public administrations, enterprises and other public and private organisations to support them in implementing reuse solutions. They have also participated in various awareness-raising campaigns on waste related issues.

The reparability and longevity of electronic devices is increasingly becoming a focus of the online portal, which provides information on the most energy- and resource-efficient products on the Luxembourgish market. Oekozenter Pafendall is also actively involved in the agriculture and construction fields.

Oekozenter became an Associate Member of ZWE in February 2023.