Francesc Giró i Fontanals, graduated in Agricultural Engineering, is currently the Director of Strategic Planning of the Waste Agency of Catalonia; all his professional career has been developed, as a technical expert and researcher in separate collection of biowaste and on biological treatment, between ESAB- Polytechnic University of Catalonia, as a researcher and teacher (1987-1993), and the Waste Agency of Catalonia, as a technician (1993-2011), deputy director (2011-2016) and Director of Strategic Planning (2016 up to now). He is also founder and member of the European Compost Network. Along more than 30 years, he has been working with high commitment to develop and promote the implementation of the biowaste separate collection and recycling. Last years he has coordinated the elaboration of the “Waste & Resources Prevention and Management Programme PRECAT20”.