Terms & Conditions of the Online Reimbursement Form
Terms & Conditions of the Online Reimbursement Form
1. General Reimbursement Rules Zero Waste Europe [ZWE]
The following rules are the absolute basis necessary for reimbursing costs. It is possible that the organiser of the event sets additional requirements and eligibility criteria, and this document does not relieve you from your responsibility to read and follow additional instructions.
Only complete forms for eligible and previously agreed costs by ZWE will be accepted.
1.1 Time Limit
The reimbursement template should be submitted together with all the original receipts or other documents within 6 weeks of the event. Any time after might cause you to lose your right to a reimbursement.
1.2 Standard Currency is Euro
This reimbursement statement should be made in Euro, please use the exchange rate published on http://ec.europa.eu/budget/contracts_grants/info_contracts/inforeuro/inforeuro_en.cfm ,
on the date when the cost was incurred, if the cost is made in local currency.
2. Eligibility of Costs
2.1 Transport
By Plane: Flights should, whenever possible, be booked sufficiently in advance to obtain the best possible prices. Air travel should be by economy class.
Documentation necessary: boarding passes (if you have a digital boarding pass, you must take a screen shot of it and provide it as proof), tickets and any payment proof.
By train: standard class should be used and should be booked sufficiently in advance to obtain the best possible prices. First class train travel is acceptable if this is the only option or the most
economic option.
Documentation necessary: tickets and if they do not show the full costs an invoice.
By Bus, tram, train etc. other public transport:
Documentation necessary: tickets should be retained. Where a season ticket already covers the cost of travel, no further claim will be allowed.
By own car (agreed beforehand only) – The mileage allowance is set at 0.3€/km
Documentation necessary: distance calculation, proven by economic or fastest route, such as an export / screenshot from a google maps calculation showing starting and arriving location.
By car sharing (incl. Blablacar/Uber): only if VAT receipt with departure and destination is possible.
By taxi: expected to be used only when strictly necessary and where it is cost effective to do so.
Documentation necessary: a proper receipt should always be obtained.
2.2 Accommodation (for participants to ZWE events: only if agreed beforehand)
Hotel costs: Rooms for comfortable but not luxury accommodation
Documentation necessary: specified (person / nights) hotel bills (not booking confirmations)
Catering costs: With a reasonable amount for each meal.
Documentation necessary: Proper VAT receipts should be submitted.
2.3 Other Expenses (for participants to ZWE events: only if agreed beforehand)
Other travel-related expenses (for example telecommunications or visas) can be reimbursed if previously agreed
Documentation necessary: copies or bills have to be submitted.
Accommodation / food costs should not exceed per diems rates established by the EC
3. Bank Transfer
Reimbursements that take place outside of the Single European Payment Area might require additional costs to process and in some cases are technically outside of ZWE’s capabilities to execute. ZWE cannot be held liable for failed bank transfers to countries outside of the SEPA and / or transfers in other currencies than Euro, USD, GBP, and other currencies used with the EU. In such a case, ZWE will inform the participant or organisation of the expected costs or the problem at hand. ZWE reserves the right to share the costs of transfer with the reimbursed.
4. Data and Privacy Considerations
Zero Waste Europe will be what is known as the ‘Controller’ of the personal data that is provided to us through the reporting requirements.
Unless otherwise agreed, ZWE will only collect necessary data for the execution of the reimbursement (names, email addresses, costs, boarding passes, receipts, invoices and other documentation related to the reimbursement).
ZWE needs to know these basic personal and functional data in order to fulfil the commitment to the funders of this project and to adhere to accounting standards. Without it, ZWE will be unable to complete the objectives under the project and the funding arrangement has to be nulled deeming the reimbursements invalid.
The data that ZWE holds will be processed by ZWE staff in Belgium, and except of the funders, accountants and external auditors no other third parties will have access to the personal data unless there is a legal obligation to share the data. The personal data might be stored on a cloud-based system which is GDPR compliant. ZWE takes all reasonable steps to ensure personal data is processed securely.
Data collected under this agreement will be stored for a period of maximum 10 years after which it will be destroyed if it is no longer required for the lawful purpose(s) for which it was obtained.
For more questions, on these matters, one can contact the organisation at [email protected] or [email protected]