Dominic has 20 years experience in environmental policy. The majority of this is in policy and strategy related to areas variously described as waste and resource management, the circular economy and resource efficiency. In these fields, He is always looking for market mechanisms that work to incentivise citizens and businesses to make the right choices, ensuring that those who ‘do the right thing’ are rewarded commercially and financially. So, he gets excited when considering producer responsibility mechanisms (including deposit refund schemes), novel incentive measures to ensure that demand for secondary materials is increased, measures that ensure resource consumption is not excessive (and inefficient), and so forth. His interest in using policy to drive the right outcomes extends also to the ‘natural economy’, where he’s been developing the concept of a natural capital trust as a means to invest in the regeneration of the natural environment. He also has long experience of environmental fiscal reform, and has reviewed environmental taxes and charges across the EU-28. He’s also very keen to enhance the use of novel forms of green finance, such as environmental impact bonds, to channel funds into areas where investment is sub-optimal (such as in the natural capital space). In summary, he works with public and private sector to ensure sustainable outcomes are aligned with sound commercial practice.