Webinar rescheduled for 3 December 2024.
The joint Mission Zero Academy (MiZA), ReuSe Vanguard Project (RSVP), and Zero Waste Europe webinar on 3 December 2024 featured an exclusive 1:1 chat with Aarhus municipality’s Simon S. Rossau about the innovative ‘Rotake Reusable’ project.
The newly negotiated EU legislation on packaging and packaging waste (PPWR) establishes first-of-its-kind overall reduction targets for packaging from 5% to 15% from 2030 to 2040.
But how do we make this happen?
Tackling packaging waste is the mission behind the launch of the recent ‘Rotake Reusable’ project in Aarhus. A pioneering initiative, ‘Rotake’ Reusable established the world’s first open-managed system for reusable takeaway packaging at a city scale to help significantly reduce single-use waste at the source.
During this session, we sat down with Simon Rossau, project manager for ‘Rotake Reusable’, to understand the concrete role and steps taken by the city of Aarhus (Denmark) to address the takeaway waste problem. Simon also told us more about the design and management of a ‘Rotake Reusable’-like project from scratch.
Participants were able to ask questions to Simon during this webinar.
Register HERE.