From 1 January 2024, it’s mandatory for EU Member States to separately collect bio-waste. Yet, this requirement is currently not being met or only being done in a very poor manner across many Member States. Our #ForkToFarm campaign aims to raise awareness of the need and benefits of implementing effective bio-waste management models at the local level.
Current estimates state that only 18% of bio-waste generated in the EU is currently being captured and treated effectively. This is despite widespread knowledge of the environmental and economic benefits that proper organics management brings to communities (methane reductions, improved soil health, more optimised recycling and reduced costs for cities).
From 1 January 2024 onwards, all EU Member States are required to separately collect bio-waste at the local level. We’ve seen an increasing trend from municipalities opting for the cheapest and easiest options to comply with this requirement, putting large open street bins out for bio-waste (despite clear data showcasing how poor and ineffective these are).
Without action now, these systems could become embedded into European municipal systems.
The #ForkToFarm campaign aims to change the status quo for bio-waste in Europe. We aim to ensure that food waste generated by households and businesses does not end up in landfills or incinerators but rather is captured and managed properly to end up back as a vital supporter of local soil health.
We want to raise awareness on how to properly collect and manage bio-waste at the local level and support municipalities to do this properly. Many best practices exist already in Europe, and many more are in the process of being built. Yet more action is needed and at a quicker pace.
Fortunately, the solutions already exist, are low-cost and have proven to be effective in a range of contexts. Whilst the issue of tackling food waste is complex and global, local communities can be at the forefront of change in ensuring that what food waste is generated post-consumption can at least be effectively captured, managed (composted) and then returned to the soil.
The campaign forms one part of our broader work within the European Methane Matters Coalition (MMC). The coalition aims to ramp up ambition at the European Union level and within key European countries to reduce methane emissions across the energy, agriculture, and waste sectors by 2030.