The Solution: Zero Waste
31 March 2017
Zero Waste Europe AGM
1-3 April 2017
Waste management has become a hot topic in the capital, with a significant increase in citizen and institutional action committed to introducing improvements in the waste management system.
Read moreDifferent stakeholders, involved in municipal waste prevention and management: municipalities, waste management companies, recycling companies, representatives of ministries, social and other enterprises, public institutions, community campaigners.
Read moreThe conference “Solution: Zero Waste” presents the vision and the implementation of the Zero Waste strategies, through the most innovative and successful experiences at both the European and national level.
Read moreHeld by: Joan Marc Simon, Zero Waste Europe Executive Director
The Zero Waste Platform in Madrid: Challenges and OpportunitiesHeld by: Diana Osuna, spokesperson for the Madrid Zero Waste Platform
Moderated by: Alodia Pérez, Head of Natural Resources and Waste Area, Friends of the Earth Spain.
The Milan Experience: Progress with the Collection of Organic WasteHeld by: Enzo Favoino, Zero Waste Europe Scientific Committee Director, researcher at the Scuola Agraria del Parco di Monza.
The evolution of the Basque Country. Case of Gipuzkoa.Held by: Ainhoa Arrozpide Landa, Zero Zabor i.b.e (Pais Vasco - Basque Country)
Organic Waste in Catalonia’s Waste Management framework. Lessons learned.Held by: Francesc Girò, Deputy Director of the Catalan Waste Agency
Held by: Javier de los Nietos Miguel, Mayor of for El Boalo-Cerceda-Mataelpino Municipality
The Decentralized Composting Experience of the Pontevedra MunicipalityHeld by: María Martinez Abraldes, Waste Technician at the Pontevedra Council
The Importance of Decentralised Composting in MunicipalitiesHeld by: Beatriz Martín, Compost Network Spokesperson
Round of questionsHeld by: Dr. Begoña Fabrellas, Sustainable Production and Consumption General Vice Director, MAPAMA.
Social and Environmental Benefits of Repair and ReuseHeld by: Jose María García Bresó Traperos de Emmaús
The Citizenship Paper on the Practices of ReuseHeld by: Albert Torras, spokesperson of Repair Shops Barcelona Millor que Nou
Round of questionsFriends of the Earth and Zero Waste Madrid Platform
Presentation: What Responsibilities do Manufacturers Have and How do They Assume Them?Held by: Vìctor Mitjans, Estudios de Rezero Coordinator – Foundation for Waste Prevention and Responsible Consumption
Effective Implementation of Return Systems: Practical ExamplesHeld by: Samantha Harding, Member of the Campaign to Protect Rural England (CPRE)
The SDDR Initiative in the Valencian RegionHeld by: Julià Álvaro, Environment and Climate Change Secretary
Round of questionsHeld by: Gabriele Folli, Delegate of the Environmental Council, Parma City Council
The Waste Plan in the City of MadridHeld by: Inés Sabanés, Delegate of the Governmental Environment and Mobility Area, Madrid City Council
The Agro Composting Project of Madrid: A Waste Management alleyHeld by: Franco Llobera, Madrid Agrocomposta Spokesperson
The importance of the Vegetable Network and the Madrid Composting ModelHeld by: Raúl Urquiaga, Madrid Network of Orchards Spokesperson
Round of Questions
+34 637 109 914 Diana Osuna
+34 615 836 355 Jesús Pérez