
29 Jun 2021

Written by

Ana Oliveira

Harmful chemicals in food packaging are putting our health at risk

Consumption & ProductionFood Contact Materials

The Health and Environment Alliance (HEAL), Zero Waste Europe, the European Consumer Organisation BEUC, CHEM Trust and ClientEarth have joined hands to bust some of the most popular myths surrounding chemicals used in food contact materials.

The infographic launched today illustrates how the chemicals used in the production, processing, preparation and packaging of food may put our health at risk. 

Click here to download this infographic

Nobody should have to worry about toxic substances making their way into our food. Yet if you ask around, most consumers have little to no idea about the chemical composition of the packaging wrapping their food and drinks, or how exposure to these chemicals may lead to the development of cancer, reproductive disorders or hormone disruption. 

This is why together with other NGOs, we support calls for new EU-wide legislation on food contact materials. To adequately protect our health and the environment, policymakers should: 

  1. Guarantee adequate safety data and assessments, and prohibit known substances of concern in all food contact materials. 
  2. Commit to a clean circular economy based on non-toxic material cycles. Primary and recycled food contact materials should have the same level of safety. 
  3. Thoroughly assess, measure and control chemicals in food packaging. 
  4. Develop EU harmonised rules for all types of food contact materials, and effectively enforce these rules. 
  5. Improve transparency and traceability of chemicals throughout the supply chain and towards consumers. 

Click here to read more about ZWE’s work on food contact materials and chemical contamination.

Download the full infographic and social social media assets.