Parma and the Zero Waste Masterplan
The Zero Waste Masterplan is way to take zero waste cities into the mainstream. Cities like Parma are already heading down that path and can provide key examples and advice for challenges.
Today we are excited to be releasing the second video in our Zero Waste Masterplan series. In this video zero waste expert and Chair of the Zero Waste Europe scientific committee, Enzo Favoino explains the extraordinary case of Parma, Italy and how the city reached over 70% separate collection.
The Zero Waste Masterplan is a collection of tools and resources which can guide you on the path the zero waste in your municipality. With hundreds of cities across Europe already adopting zero waste plans and making incredible progress it is time for these ideas to go mainstream.
The case of Parma provides a key example of how the Zero Waste Masterplan can take your city from a traditional waste management plan to zero waste. In 2011 the Italian city had seemingly stagnated with a separate collection rate of 48%, by 2015 they had reached 72%.
For more information about how they managed make sure to check out our full case study ‘The Story of Parma’.“With hundreds of cities across Europe already adopting zero waste plans and making incredible progress it is time for these ideas to go mainstream.”