Presenting the Zero Waste strategy to the UN Food & Agriculture Organization
Rossano Ercolini, president of Zero Waste Europe and Goldman Environmental Prize 2013 Winner, will speak about “Zero Waste strategy” in Rome in the 38th Session of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) Conference on Wednesday June 19th at 03:45 PM.
Wednesday June 19th – Sustainability
Losing and wasting food in a hungry world
FAO projects that, under current production and consumption trends, global food production must increase 60% by 2050 in order to meet the demands of the growing world population. Yet, more than one third of the food produced today is either lost in the food production cycle – mostly in developing countries – or wasted by consumers in the more affluent societies.
What critical points should be tackled to design an effective food loss reduction strategy? How can wasteful practices by farmers, food producers, retailers and consumers be discouraged? What is the environmental impact of food wastage? Can/Should food saved from the waste pathway be used as food aid?
Moderator: Seema Gupta, (France 24)
Robert Van Otterdijk, Fao agro-industry officer, Team leader of “Save the Food” – Global Initiative on Food Losses and Waste Reduction
Rossano Ercolini, Goldman Environmental Prize 2013 Winner & president of Zero Waste Europe
External contributions:
IPS TV Feature: “How leftover can become a meal – the Boroume project” by Apostolis Fotiadis, IPSTV Correspondent from Athens +Live Skype video call
FAO video on “Reducing food losses in the Gambia”
+ Option: Trailer of Taste the Waste by Valentin Thurm
You can follow the meeting online thanks to web-streaming on